Borough Advisory Boards

All appointments to boards and commissions are made at the sole discretion of the Aldan Borough Council. Aldan residency is a requirement to serve on any borough board or commission. If you would like to request consideration for appointment to a commission or board, please complete and submit this interest form.
Planning Commission
Presents and makes recommendations to the governing body concerning zoning ordinances, comprehensive plans, subdivisions, land development, building codes and housing codes of the Borough. Meetings: Monthly on the 2nd Thursday at 7:30pm.
Civil Service Commission
Responsible for each appointment and promotion in the police force within the Borough according to qualification and fitness by examination on a competitive basis. The Civil Service Commission has the power to prescribe, amend, and enforce the rules and regulations approved by Borough Council.  Meetings: Minimum twice per year, Feb & Sept to prepare progress reports for the Council.   Will meet more often based on hiring needs for the Aldan Police Department.
Historical Commission
The commission is dedicated to the preservation and protection of historic resources in the Borough of Aldan.  They are responsible for collecting and maintaining items of historical value for the Borough and shall operate the Trolley Stop Museum.  Other activities sponsored or supported by the commission include the Aldan 4th of July celebration, Aldan holiday tree lighting ceremony, and Founder’s Day celebration. Meetings: Monthly on the 2nd Wednesday at 7:00pm
Recreation Board
The purpose of this organization is to maintain, operate and supervise the public parks, play-fields and all outdoor recreation areas and facilities owned or operated by the Borough of Aldan subject to the approval of Borough Council.  The Board shall also have the authority to sponsor or create programs for engagement of all citizens, young and old, for the purposes of fun and education. Meetings: Monthly, day TBA
Shade Tree Commission
Promotes the conservation and stewardship of trees throughout the Borough by advising and working with Borough officials regarding the planting, care and maintenance of public property trees. They shall promote the installation and care of trees with respect to a commitment for a long-term investment in the beauty, health and character of the tree canopy throughout the Borough. Meetings: Meets as needed
Zoning Hearing Board
The Zoning Hearing Board shall have exclusive jurisdiction for hearing and rendering a decision on requests for zoning variances and special exceptions to the zoning code in the Borough of Aldan. Meetings: Meets as needed